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Paul Lewis Retires

Paul Retiring 2

Our Commercial Director, Paul Lewis, retired from J & J Franks on Friday 1st April.

Paul had been with the Company since the late nineties at a time when we were experiencing serious trading difficulties. Further we had just 2 years consented soft sand remaining and 3 years landfill capacity requiring completion by 2001 so no real future! Paul’s invaluable involvement enabled us to trade our way out of very difficult times and we now have sand reserves and void capacity for several decades.

We will miss Paul both for his wealth of knowledge and experience but also for his easy-going demeanor. He will remain a friend to our business and once he has established his objectives for retirement, we hope he will join us at future functions and possibly assist on specific projects. Paul had been planning his retirement for a while and understandably wants to spend more time with his wife Karen at his property in the Charente Region in France. He has had the property for several years, but the recent pandemic limited his ability to visit. He has always wanted to spend more time as a French local and we sincerely hope he and Karen enjoy good health and have a wonderful time in the years ahead. As a thank you to Paul he received a left-hand drive 1959 Citroen CV2, which he had always spoken about wanting, to keep in France to drive to his local bakers and pick up his daily batons and croissants.

Paul Retiring
(Paul Lewis, George Crate and Peter Crate)

Paul – thank you for being a great friend, employee and Director and we look forward to hearing that you managed to master driving the Citroen and to seeing you when you are in the UK.

Good luck and best wishes.

paul car on transporter
(Paul overseeing the transportation of his car to France, yesterday)

Lydia White

Lydia White is a director at J&J Franks. Responsible for marketing and operations, her role is pivotal in driving strategic initiatives and ensuring operational excellence.

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